Gojust - Technical Assistance for the Justice Sector Reform Programme : Governance in Justice


The overall project aims to make the justice system more efficient, effective and accountable. The project will support the development and early implementation of a credible sector-wide long-term reform strategy through the provision of technical, financial, and material assistance.
The main activities of the project are:
Result 1: Sector-wide coordination of the justice system strengthened and long-term reform strategy developed
– Institutionalise the Justice Sector Coordinating Council (i.e. develop action plan, protocols and procedures; contribute to operating costs, supplies, and equipment; build capacity of secretariat;
– Develop and implement communication strategy, etc.);
– Develop a sector-wide long-term reform strategy and action plan (i.e. conduct capacity-building of planning and programme management staff of selected agencies; carry-out needs assessments, capacity assessment, and baseline studies; conduct consultations; develop policy, roadmap, multiannual expenditure framework, and performance monitoring system, etc.);
– Establish approximately 8 ‘Justice Zones’ and support piloting of reforms therein (i.e. identify and select justice zones; develop Memoranda of Agreement and operational protocols; organise public launch; set-up and support local coordination mechanisms; develop necessary manuals and handbooks; conduct joint trainings of law enforcers and prosecutors in particular on evidencepreparation and processing; and further develop and pilot the National Justice Information System as an interconnected electronic information-sharing platform).

Result 2: Backlog curtailed in courts and prosecution services and case management system streamlined and computerised (with focus on ‘justice zones’)
– Conduct docket decongestion of approximately 160 burdened courts (backlog of more than 500 cases) and 100 prosecution offices (i.e. select courts and prosecution offices; conduct of dialogue with stakeholders; hiring, training and deployment of volunteer lawyers and law students; carry out inventory and conduct audit of cases; prepare decongestion plan to process dismissible, overdue and dormant cases; conduct research and draft decisions; etc.);
– Streamline case management processes (i.e. conduct of forensic analysis of case congestion;
– Undertake case carrying capacity assessment; formulate recommendations and conduct training for judges and clerks of court; formulate recommendations for legislative, regulatory or procedural improvements; etc.);
– Support automation of case management processes through the establishment of eCourts systems (i.e. select courts; develop e-modules such as eFiling, eRaffling, eCalendar, eSubpoena, eForms, eTranscription, eNotary, ePayment, etc.; procure necessary software and hardware; conduct training for judges and clerks; etc.);
– Assist in the development of a computerised (bar code) document tracking system (i.e. undertake feasibility and needs-assessment study; development of protocols; development of database; procurement of equipment; etc.).

Result 3: Justice sector agencies’ administrative and financial management systems improved
– Rationalise and strengthen the Office of the Court Administrator (i.e. carry-out process mapping, develop rationalisation and capacity development plan; and conduct capacity-building activities; etc.);
– Rationalise and strengthen human resource management (recruitment, deployment, and development) in the Judiciary and National Prosecution Service (i.e. map existing processes; map roles, responsibilities and competencies; generate job descriptions and review plantilla aligned to processes; carry-out training needs-assessment; design and implement training plan; review/designperformance-based rewards programmes, develop internship programmes; etc.);
– Rationalise and strengthen financial management capacities (planning, execution, and audit) of Judiciary and National Prosecution Service (i.e. carry out inventory and analysis of processes; conduct capacity assessment; conduct training; rationalise and strengthen systems; etc.);
– Improve performance governance systems for the Judiciary and Department of Justice (i.e. review current systems of indicators; strengthen monitoring and evaluation capacities; etc.).



Beginning - END


Field of Expertise

Governance - Justice -Transparency


3 213 800,00€


British Council



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