Development and business environment
Improving the business climate and supporting entrepreneurship is highly important in economic growth and social progress in developing countries.
DMI Associates contributes to this process in several ways:
- Reforming legal and regulatory business frameworks to establish a reliable environment,
- Promoting an environment which is conducive to private sector development and entrepreneurship,
- Strengthening public private dialogue when developing public policy,
- Strengthening institutions such as chambers of commerce and professional organisations, to enable them to offer relevant and valuable services to businesses,
- Strengthening value chains,
- Modernising companies to improve competitiveness.

DMI Associates also assists in designing and implementing national strategies for the development of the private sector, in order to meet companies’ needs and support their efforts to position themselves in foreign markets. In many developing countries, we have created tools for approaching foreign markets and rationalising imports.
DMI Associates supports companies in preparing, implementing and monitoring their export plans. We specialise in the following services:
- Identification and analysis of strategic markets, strengths, weaknesses, opportunities and threats in the economy or a key sector for a country or region,
- Practical assistance in the export process, facilitating the identification and upgrading of export opportunities,
- Arranging participation of companies in conventions and exhibitions abroad,
- Training of export promotion agency staff,
- Development of trade information systems, monitoring and statistics,
- Human resources development and improvement of management techniques.