Monitoring and Evaluation

The effectiveness of development assistance and the pursuit of Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) are creating new requirements for environmental responsibility, as well as requiring the further development of others, and are necessarily changing the global environment and the intervention logic of development policies, programs and projects.

The implementation of monitoring and evaluation systems guarantees the achievement of these objectives.
The tools and methods of monitoring and evaluation of donors are constantly evolving to reflect their commitments and show the results that are being achieved. These instruments are becoming increasingly complex, especially when they are used to report on public policies, economic reforms, poverty reduction and integrated approaches to development.

DMI Associates has an in-house system for monitoring and evaluation that is backed up by a strong network of specialised experts.
We regularly intervene to:

For 20 years DMI Associates has been actively involved in monitoring and evaluation, cost-benefit analyses, feasibility studies and needs assessments, benchmarking and comparative studies, strategic planning missions and impact studies. DMI Associates has worked for the European Commission, the World Bank, UN specialised agencies (UNCTAD, UNDP, UNITAID), the International Red Cross, and governments (DANIDA, AFD, etc.).

In the European Commission-specific context of Results-Oriented Monitoring (ROM), DMI Associates has regularly co-managed ROM programs in consortia and led numerous missions in Asia, in the African-Caribbean-Pacific regions and the ENPI neighbourhood countries. It also supports the European Commission (DEVCO 05) with methodological and analytical support (SQ2M) in the follow-up, the quality and the results of its interventions.

In all these contexts, the company regularly conducts various and varied assessments for each field, in all areas, with all donors and on all five continents.

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