Evaluation of Train for Trade project in Cambodia and Laos


The objective of this project is to evaluate the Train for Trade project in Cambodia and Laos, joiontly implement by French Ministry of Foreign Affairs, and UNCTAD. The methodology relies on the TrainForTrade methodology of UNCTAD, is to build the capacities of Cambodia and Laos, two of the least-developed countries (LDC) of Asia, in the fields of international trade, investment, competition policies, trade and environment, and trade- facilitation This objective is implemented through the training of trainers, the use of distance learning techniques as well as cooperation between training institutions located in the LDCs. In addition to capacity building the project promotes and initiates operational changes, in cooperation with relevant officials and decision-makers, both at the legislative and a the regulatory level.


Cambodia, Lao

Beginning - END


Field of Expertise

Monitoring & Evaluation


10 000,00€



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