Final Evaluation of the Sefa 2 Project on Strengthening of the Teaching of French in Afghanistan


Following a first phase of the project, SEFA2 (Soutien à l’enseignement de français en Afghanistan) is embedded inside of the French Department in Kabul University (DFUK). Its main objectives are to train or retrain French-speaking professionals (120 students) through the drafting of new curricula and of the development of governance procedures aiming at becoming references at national level.
The project also envisioned the possibility to set up a Master in French, and to develop the teaching of French in other faculties (1112 potential candidate students in the Faculties of Archeology, Pharmacy, Architecture, Medicine, and in Legal School), in order to promote the knowledge of French language in those specific fields. It also aims at providing basic teaching of French to potential candidates to French government funded scholarships.
The project also created a Francophone Centre in Herat University, run by a SEFA former student, and that opened in 2012.



Beginning - END


Field of Expertise

Monitoring & Evaluation


38 000,00€



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