Evaluation of the programe: Euro-mediterranean Network of export promotion agencies (ANIMA)


The mission evaluated and issued recommendations on the progress made concerning : (i) Improvement of the competencies of the personnel of the API MED (ii) Creation of a Mediterranean network and euro –Mediterranean API (iii)Improvement of investment promotion at regional level. The mission also answered higher level evaluation questions related to: (i) Active implication of all Mediterranean countries in the network (this included considerations on the concept of Meda in the wake of the Mena initiative of USAID) (ii) role and impact of foreign investment (FDI) on development strategies and assessment of incentive policies (iii) challenges and opportunities (SWOT analysis) of a regional approach to an institutionalization of Investment promotion. Mission also conducted a survey among institutional beneficiaries to register propositions and commitments to ensure the sustainability of the project ( without the support of the Commission) at the project end date ( after September 2005) (This included change of status of Malta linked to accession, political relationships and governance issues for the foreseen institution). Mission was also answering questions related to the image of the region (solidarity/competition/fairness/legal framework/stability/reliability) with foreign investors (emphasis on EU perceptions -mostly France, Italy, GB- correlated with other relevant stakeholders such as China, US…) and with stakeholders –beneficiaries and potential investors — perceptions of the EU initiative (regional approach…)



Beginning - END


Field of Expertise

Monitoring & Evaluation


75 000,00€



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