Regional Blueprints Exercise on Customs and Taxation (IPA Blueprints)


The Overall objective of the project is to evaluate the administrative capacity of the Customs and Taxation Authorities of the beneficiaries (as defined in Section 1.1 above) using the framework offered by the Customs and Fiscal Blueprints published by the European Commission’s Directorate General for Taxation and Customs Union.
The specific objectives of this project are:
– To perform a synchronised assessment based on the Blueprints;
– To train officers of the Beneficiaries to repeat independently the Blueprint exercise;
– To make top management aware of the usefulness and conclusions of the Blueprint exercise;
– To propose priorities for further EU assistance towards the overall improvement and capacity building of the Customs and Tax Authorities in areas such as:
– Organisational changes where necessary within the administration; – Legislative changes if necessary in the area of Customs and Tax;
– Better trained Customs and Tax staff;
– Equipment;
– A more efficient and transparent service.

The project aims at:
Supporting the management of Customs and Taxation Administrations in the Western Balkans and Turkey in their efforts to design and implement a comprehensive approach to the modernisation and development of their services along accepted international lines to include efforts to strengthen both the organisational structure and operational effectiveness according to the Customs and Fiscal Blueprints and acquis;
Performing a synchronised assessment of the Customs and Tax Administrations based on the Customs and Fiscal Blueprints and to offer the Commission a solid basis for designing further technical assistance to the beneficiaries in Customs and Taxation towards key areas identified in the Blueprints exercise.


Albania, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Croatia, FYROM, Montenegro, Serbia,Kosovo (under UNSCR 1244/99), Turkey & Iceland

Beginning - END


Field of Expertise

Governance - Justice - Transparency


1 450 000,00€


Agenzia delle Dogane, sviluppo Globale, Sogei



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