An Assessment of the Trade Related Issues and Definition of Assistance Needs in Armenia, Azerbaijan and Georgia


Objectives :
1To review and analyse the trade related policies in the three countries, in particular assessing degree of convergence or harmonisation with EU standards and practices, with particular attention to the following issues:
– Steps taken to facilitate trade in goods and services and improve administrative co-operation in the framework of WTO matters e.g. legislation and procedure in place to identify and remove discrimination against imported products; and obstacles to exports;
Legislation on customs and trade facilitation in place including enforcement, administrative and operational capacity;
Administrative and regulatory system facilitating the movement of good and capital; Intellectual and industrial property rights;
Enterprise policy, including privatisation in addition to legislative and administrative support to SME development, measures to enhance competitiveness and innovation;
Public procurement;
Investment protection, company law, provision of services and right of establishment; Good governance and anti-corruption policies and practices.
2 Provide a set of recommendations on the priority areas where each of the three countries need to make progress and outline what kind of assistance can be considered.

Expected results of the project:
The project will produce a comprehensive review of the above listed issues. This work should address the situation by country and also from a regional point of view;
The final report should be free standing as an economist’s analysis of the current situation in the countries but should also contain an executive section outlining the recommendations and suggested policy intervention areas.


Armenia, Azerbaijan and Georgia

Beginning - END


Field of Expertise

Trade Policy


165 000,00€





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