Trade Policy

Governance - Justice - Transparency

Georgia Export Promotion Strategy (GE 08): Elaboration of the Georgia Export Credit and Export Promotion Strategy and Export Policy

Overall objective is to reduce Georgia’s large trade deficit, in the context of her eventual accession to the WTO, through the expansion of registered exports of finished and semi-finished products;
Short term objective is to produce a blueprint for the principal elements of a trade Promotion Strategy and of an Export Promotion Agency in Georgia.

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Institutional Strengthening For Economic and Legal Reform

The project involved institutional strengthening to support legal and economic transition and reform including development of coordination mechanisms for the development of policy and legislation, and strengthening of the justice system. The project involved the development of a database on legislation and state-aid measures, review of legislation according to WTO requirements, development of WTO compatible legislation, development of an organisational structure for review of legislation and development of a strategic plan for the reform of the judicial system.

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Development and business environments

Labor market, education and vocational training

Health and Climate Change

Monitoring and Evaluation

Autres / Miscellaneous

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